I became a mum to the most beautiful girl on 4th April 2012.. so as the title of my blog says she is now almost one year old! It has been the most incredible exciting journey and I absolutely love being a Mum.
It is strange as although I remember all the difficulties I went through to get my little girl (as previous posts will tell you I had 3 miscarriages and it took from starting trying in 2008 to having my little girl in 2012 and that felt like a long time with lots of pain in the process). But I just feel so so incredibly blessed and most (probably in honesty not all) of the pain of trying has gone as she is such a living, breathing, not quite walking yet miracle!!
I ended up being induced a week before my due date as with the blood thinning injections I was on my haematologist thought it safer for me to have a controlled labour. However, my little girl didn't want to come out at this point so rather disappointingly I had to have a c section... But despite that I had the kindest, the most fantastic staff at the hospital and really felt the Lord was looking over me and taking care of me and my daughter. There is probably a blog post in itself about my birth story :-) I'm not the bravest of sorts (and as you may have read) I started this journey with a HUGE fear of needles so to have the courage to go through a C Section was quite a massive thing in itself.
This year has been wonderful. My little girl has brought me and my husband so much joy. She is a little smiler and I can't really remember or imagine my life without her.
Anyway, that is a very quick overview of my life since my last post. If you are reading this and going through fertility difficulties I pray that God will meet you in your need and that you will be surrounded by His everlasting love. He cherishes and loves you so I pray that you would seek Him.
I know that I have been blessed beyond blessed and don't take any day with my little girl for granted as she is just incredible!
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